Adjusting to Iso Life

Adjusting to iso life has been a process. I now realise how much I value being able to go places at a whim and visit people at my leisure. While I am completely onboard with the need for the state lockdown, in honesty it took a solid month before I found my iso groove.

I am not a health or wellbeing expert, but I thought I would share the activities which have helped me adjust to this new normal.

Scheduling healthy habits

With iso restrictions in place, it has been important for me to schedule in the healthy habit of a daily walk with my dog. While previously I might have skipped a day and let my partner walk the dog, this small daily exercise gives me a much-needed kick of endorphins. It also helps with my joints and posture as I would otherwise be sitting for most of the day.

As an added benefit, I find it also helps me sleep better, and as my husband will tell you, I am not a pleasant person without a good night’s sleep!

Stay connected and prioritise time for relationships

Physical isolation means that I’ve had to make a real conscious effort to reach out to loved ones and stay in touch virtually.

Whether a snap chat group call, zoom video or even just a whatsapp or SMS message, connectedness helps me stay positive and feel supported. I can fall into periods of forgetfulness where I am busy with work, but prioritising time for relationships is important both for myself and for the wellbeing of others.

Make time to switch off from the news cycle

While it is important to stay abreast of COVID-19 developments and government updates, I also actively make time to switch off from the negative news cycle and try and seek out more positive content.

In the evenings I make a point to not click on negative headlines. This is not an easy one to do as I am a news junky, but the negative news can become overwhelming and I find I do need to try and take a break from it, especially before bed.

Image: Unsplash/Tonik